Category: Family

Hello everyone!  I thought I’d drop in with a quickie post amidst a busy January week.  I am SO excited about all that in store for 2014 and the past couple of weeks have been filled with preparations and meetings and a wedding!  Yes, we kicked off our 2014 season on Saturday with the wedding of a dear high school friend of mine.  It was a beautiful day and a great way to begin our ninth (!) full season of weddings.

Recent happenings…

venue scouting with these lovebirds from London

squeezing in bedtime snuggles with this girl

multiple midnight car rides (I always drive while she can sleep) back and forth

crashing the birthday celebration of Jewel of {found} vintage rentals (FYI, Jeni makes the most INCREDIBLE chocolate chip cookies)

I savored this passionfruit pavlova donut from Sidecar Doughnuts.  You guys — it was INCREDIBLE.  It has a passionfruit glaze, fresh whipped cream, a little fluffy meringue and fresh passionfruit purée.  It tasted even better with sweet company from my pals Carissa, Christina, Carlie and Lindsay.

striking chandeliers at Dorothy Chandler Pavilion — site of our first 2014 wedding!

joy and laughter with my love and splendor girls last weekend!  we missed you, michy!!

Enjoying every second with this rapidly growing toddler!  Love this casual snap of us (thanks Lourdes!).

My fun tasks for the week: booking a steel pan band for a seaside wedding, sending out a set of summery save-the-dates, planning a vegetarian menu for an intimate vow renewal, putting together a design packet for a California chic wedding (think Mediterranean casual luxury, monochromatic blooms, fresh herbs and farm-to-fork inspiration), and organizing the final set of images for my BRAND.NEW.SITE and blog!  Yesterday my incredibly talented friend, Julie of Julie Song Ink, sent me the final version of my new logo/brand.  It is so utterly beautiful!  I am dying to share it with you all but I am waiting until the new site is ready to be unveiled along with it.  My current site hasn’t been updated in five (yes, five!) years so I am looking forward to debuting a fresh look and some never-before-seen work.

Love you all and am grateful for you!  Enjoy the rest of the week!

Olive turned 22-months old on Sunday and I’m already writing her monthly recap — how’s that for efficiency??  I’m usually so late on these that I thought I’d hustle to get this update posted today.  😉  With Olive’s 2nd birthday around the corner, I am getting *even more* sentimental, thinking about how quickly time has passed since her birth.  I got pretty teary last night while snuggling her before bed.  It might have had something to do with just having watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (highly recommended!!) but I just felt SO grateful for her.  I know every mother must feel the same way about their children, right??  I hold her tight and breathe in her incredible baby smell and kiss her cheeks and feel like my heart is going to explode with the amount of love and care I have for her.  It is amazing.

wearing a favorite vintage dress from my friend and former client, Jess

Here are our highlights from month 22…

  • We saw Frozen at the drive-in and she seemed to pay attention for most of it!  We’ve been going to the drive-in since she was a newborn and it really is the best way to see a movie with kids.  You get a double feature for $8/pp and you can eat and relax in the comfort of your own car… Can’t beat it.
  • We visited the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach and had a great time!  Olive has been obsessed with aquatic life since we took her to the Sydney Aquarium last spring.  I love watching her face light up as she observes the “fishies.”
  • I did a wedding in Long Beach (the first ever at The Loft on Pine!) for a sweet friend and Erik and Olive were guests!  It was kind of crazy having her there and trying to work, but I still love a chance to dress her up.  😉  She did try to help me by picking up rose petals (one by one) after the ceremony was over.
  • We celebrated Christmas in soCal with our families and had a wonderful time.
  • Lots of park time with friends!  The slide is still her favorite — she could go down it 20 times straight!  The swings are her least favorite.  She’ll go in for about 12 seconds before she says “all done swing.”
  • We rung in the New Year with friends and woke Olive up at midnight for a kiss.  The deer-in-headlights photos of her crack me up.
  • She saw Finding Nemo (aka “Nemo Fishy”) in parts this month and she loves it!  I also showed her a clip on YouTube of “Under the Sea” to acquaint her with another Disney ocean-themed classic.  It’s now on her request rotation anytime a computer is around.
  • Many more words and phrases including: Ouchy boo-boo for any type of injury, both real and imaginary, in request for a kiss from Dada, Where you going?, Thank you much!, Si-yee Dada or Si-yee Mama when she thinks either of us is being goofy, Oh dear! whenever I ask her where something is or where something went, etc.  She loves play cooking with some new kiddie cookware, pretending to talk on the phone (mostly with her grandparents), riding around the sunroom on her toy car and cleaning up (with a duster).  😉
  • Olive has always been an affectionate girl but she is really ramping up her lovey-ness and I can’t get enough!  She requests hugs and kisses on a daily basis, is always asking me to pick her up (“hold you!”) and loves to cuddle.  I am so grateful for this because I am such a snuggler… I don’t know if it’s nature or nurture but I love it!

{ 22 month photomosaic }

Darling Olive — Sweetie you make us laugh everyday with your antics!  I love hearing you chatter and sing throughout the day, I love watching you play with a new toy, I love seeing your sweet facial expression while we bow for prayer as a family.  I am soaking up every minute of your little-ness.  So many mama friends around me have urged me to never take a moment for granted because this time is over so quickly.  I don’t think I could do much more in terms of soaking each minute in, but I still feel time slipping away from me.  I can never get enough of you!  Thank you for still letting me cuddle you like a baby (we call it “baby mode” and you know when I say that to curl up like an infant in my arms — it melts me!) once in a while.  I promise not to bug you to do that when you’re a teenager… hopefully.  😉  You fill our home with so much joy and you remind us everyday that God answers prayers.  We love you babygirl!  love, Mama

I hope you’re all enjoying this week so far!  I’m working on putting together final docs for our first wedding of the year which happens to be this weekend.  Can’t wait; see you all again soon!

Hello everyone!  I hope you’re all having a wonderful start to your week — the first full week of 2014!  The energy and excitement that surrounds the New Year is still coursing through my veins; I am truly excited for the year ahead.

I have to start by saying thank you for the incredible response to my last post about my most recent miscarriage.  I never could have imagined the response I received; it was overwhelming.  Within *minutes* of posting, I received texts and Facebook messages and comments and emails.  I heard from friends and family (who still had no idea about what had happened) as well as former clients and even strangers — people who read my blog or who saw my post on Facebook via one of our mutual friends.  I was covered with so much love, encouragement and prayer and it truly blew me away, moved me to tears, filled me to the brim.  I also was heartbroken to hear so many similar stories from people around me, most of whom had suffered in silence on their own fertility journeys.  I am still trying to reply directly to everyone who sent me a note but please know I read every single word and am praying for you all!!  The response to my post (to date, the most popular post on my blog, ever) was so astounding that it reaffirmed me in my decision to share here.  I truly believe God used my struggle for good in this way, and I am humbled to have been used to encourage any of you in some small way.  My strength and peace through the entire ordeal comes from God alone so I give Him all the glory!  Thank you again for supporting me here; I feel immensely blessed by each of you.

Without further ado, I felt like it was time to get the blog back up to speed with a little Christmas recap.  I know I’m not alone in deeming Christmas the best time of year: I love the reflection and remembrance that comes with Christmas, as well as the warm family celebrations.  We began with a traditional Christmas Eve service at our church, followed by a drive to LA to spend the holiday with our families!

Olive and her friend, Jetta, in their Christmas dresses at church!

Christmas mantel!  // stockings will make their debut next year

our tree // 2013 (and yes, I totally moved the banner from the mantel for this pic)

We woke up on Christmas morning at Erik’s parents’ home and opened presents in jammies, per tradition.  This year Olive actually participated in the opening of her gifts, as well as jumping into the piles of paper and ribbon and tissue.  I loved watching her excited face and hearing her exclaim, “Wow!” when she unwrapped a new present.  I can only imagine how she’ll be next year!  With age I also hope we can instruct her more about the meaning behind Christmas and our reason for celebrating the greatest gift.

me and my new California-shaped cheeseboard from Erik // love it!

After opening gifts, we headed to my mom & stepdad’s house to have our Christmas brunch.  My mom created another beautiful mostly-vegan meal with a lovely salmon provençal as the main dish.  We then opened presents with them and relaxed for a few hours before heading back to Erik’s parents’ home.

the princess on her throne!

red velvet dress and patterned tights by Oilily / brown cardi by peek / boots by Osh Kosh

scrunch noses!

Dinner was a scrumptious lasagna (we often do Italian food on Christmas, especially Christmas Eve for the festa dei sette pesci) with all of Erik’s extended family: cousins and aunts and uncles and their kiddos!  Olive was overjoyed to spend time with her cousins and second cousins, too.  I loved watching them together.

The next day, we saw my Dad and exchanged gifts over decadent pancakes — yum!  We spent the rest of the afternoon playing our beloved German boardgames with Erik’s sis and her fiancé!

It was a packed few days but we had a wonderful time seeing everyone.  I will also share a few fab finds from Christmas in a future post.  😉

I hope you have a lovely Wednesday; see you again soon!

This is a post I never planned to write.

In yesterday’s new year post, I alluded to some painful trials in 2013.  I didn’t mean to be so cryptic when I wrote that, but I hadn’t decided how much, if anything, to share about the topic.  This morning, however, I decided it might serve as some encouragement to any women out there who may be facing the same difficulties and sorrows.  So here it is: just a few months ago, I experienced the loss of a pregnancy.  Let me go back in time to give you some context.

pregnant with Olive // photo by Jose Villa 

After many years of struggling with infertility, I first got pregnant in early 2011.  I was over.the.moon.

Erik and I went out for a celebratory dinner the night I took the positive test, chatting excitedly about how we would share the news with our families.  We were overjoyed about this long-awaited answer to prayer.  Shortly thereafter, however, I learned that my hormone levels were plummeting and I was miscarrying.  It was absolutely devastating, and experiencing that deep pain after years of infertility seemed especially unbearable.  I told Erik I wasn’t sure if I could continue trying to get pregnant, since I feared the pain of recurrent loss.  But God had other plans.  Just one month post-miscarriage, I conceived my daughter Olivia Iris, aka Olive.  And here she is today, almost 2 years old (!!!), having changed me in a million ways in that short time.  I thank God every single day for my daughter.  I will never forget the years of tearful prayers, the pleading for just one child, the fruitless wondering if I would ever become a biological mother.  When I see my daughter, I know that the pain that preceded her arrival taught me invaluable lessons.  What a blessing she is.

my newborn Olive // march 2012

We continue to hope and pray for another child, but know that ultimately it is God who gives life.  Not long ago, Erik and I learned I was pregnant for a third time, and we were ELATED.  I cried tears of joy.  We made sneaky plans to tell our families on Christmas morning.  I marveled at the fact that our kids would have exactly the same age gap I have with my sister.  I thought about how I might need to shift things in my fall wedding schedule with a baby on the horizon.  But then…

Pains turned to concerns which turned to some bloodwork which turned to… tears.  Another miscarriage.  While I hadn’t told anyone I was pregnant, I suddenly felt like I had to tell a few people about the painful ordeal I was facing.  It seemed to help release a bit of the pain.  I told my mother, my sister, my best friend and a few other close friends.  More tears, but more prayers as well.  Encouragement.  Reminders of God’s faithfulness.  Reminders of His sovereignty.

So here I am.  Not pregnant.  Not sure if there is another little one in our future or not.  But I am at peace, a peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7).  I know that God’s plans are perfect and that even in painful circumstances, His will is not thwarted (Romans 8:28).  In the darkest of hours, I have been comforted by God’s word (Psalm 34:18 and Matthew 5:4).  The love and support I have received from friends and family in this time has been immeasurable; it has reminded me of all of the blessings I already have in my life.

Although I don’t typically write about ‘tough’ things on this blog, I hope that this post might encourage even one person out there who is dealing with loss.  There is hope even in the darkest circumstances, and I can hold on to that hope to find unshakable joy.  I have been stretched through this trial and I am thankful for that.

I hope you’re all having a great Thursday!  Thank you for stopping by to read this deeply personal post; I’m so blessed by your love and support!

Farewell 2013, and Bienvenue, 2014!  I could not be more excited and more ready to welcome the new year.  I know it’s technically just another day, and in this case, a random Wednesday.  I know a fresh start can be made anytime.  But still… there is something about January 1st on the calendar, and a fresh new planner (I am loving my new Emily Ley Simplified Planner!) to fill, and a handwritten personal and professional vision for the 12 months ahead.   I’m a natural dreamer, list-writer and goal-setter, so this comes naturally to me.  I have enjoyed reflecting on the past year over the last few days, as well as looking with eagerness toward the possibilities before me.

photo by Cameron Ingalls 

2013 was a tremendous year.  We had beautiful new adventures and experiences, joyful milestones, and painful trials as well.  It was a year of BIG — big weddings, big trips, big purchases, big celebrations and even a few big heartaches.  I know I didn’t share much about the painful stuff on the blog this year but let it suffice to say that at the end of it all, God is good (so good) and His plan is perfect.

Olive and her buddy, Blake (daughter of Melody / Sweet and Saucy Shop)

I feel overwhelmingly grateful for the year we have had.  I know that today I am stronger than I was 365 days ago.  I know greater heights of joy as well as depths of sorrow, but both have taught me priceless lessons. I have learned a lot about myself — as an individual, a daughter of Christ, a wife, a mother, a daughter/sister/friend/etc.  I see new areas for growth as well as some surprising newly-uncovered strengths.

photo by the Cana Family

A few highlights from 2013…

  • Erik turned 30 and we went to the mountains to celebrate!  😉  Snowboarding & a cozy cabin = his ideal birthday.
  • We celebrated Olive’s 1st birthday in style with some of our favorite people in the world.  What a wonderful day!
  • We were published in Martha Stewart Weddings Magazine.  Major.
  • I did a lot of knitting and loved every second of it.
  • We took an unforgettable trip to Sydney, Australia and New Zealand.  Looking forward to returning soon!!  (And yes, I will eventually finish blogging about the trip! Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3)
  • We bought a house!! Praise the Lord!  I am thankful everyday for this blessing.
  • My sweet sister ‘retired’ from the wedding industry and I brought on Kourtney, the newest face around here and a precious new friend <3
  • I worked with some amazing clients on absolutely beautiful weddings and events.  I feel so blessed to be surrounded by so much love and creativity on a regular basis!

favorites from @loveandsplendor on Instagram

I am looking forward to 2014 because I know a lot more growing is in store.  Each day my ultimate goal is to spend every minute, in every endeavor, doing things to honor, magnify and bring glory to my God.  Whether I’m caring for my family and loving on my daughter, sharing my gifts with my clients and colleagues, or interacting with strangers at the beach or the farm, I want to shine brightly with the joy I have in Christ.  So with that ultimate goal in mind, I hope that 2014 gives me even more opportunities to love deeply, to serve others sacrificially, to give generously, to learn humbly, to create passionately.

Some goals and plans for 2014…

  • Bake a loaf of bread from scratch
  • Take a calligraphy class
  • Go on a road trip
  • Create unforgettable celebrations for my wedding clients, investing myself fully in each event
  • Move my baby grand piano (currently living in my mom’s living room) and start playing again.  Maybe teach Olive?
  • Stay fit and active in new and challenging ways
  • Plant a garden and enjoy the fresh produce all year long
  • Read the Bible every day, start writing a prayer journal again (something I haven’t done in years)
  • Launch an all-new Love & Splendor website (ummm can you say 5 years overdue??) and brand!  (This is already in the works and I cannot even tell you how excited I am.  Ohmygoodness gracious.)
  • Simplify in the home: clear the clutter, purge the junk, streamline and organize and create a home and living environment that is refreshing and productive and inspiring.
  • And much, much more…

I think today was a perfect start: we slept in, had homemade pizzas and salad for lunch, and I purged two file cabinet drawers.  Now Olive is napping, I have a fresh pot of coffee and my favorite Pandora station on, and I’m ready to take down the Christmas decorations!  Ready, set, go!

As we kick off this new year, a new adventure, I want to thank each of you for visiting this blog.  I am grateful for all of you and love sharing my life here.  Writing has always been one of my favorite creative endeavors and it is mind-boggling to think of the wonderful relationships I’ve made with people near & far who stumble across this blog.  I enjoy each one of your comments and hope to connect with more of you in the year ahead.  Wishing you a 2014 full of rich experiences and beautiful moments.  Lots of love!

Hello everyone!  I am sneaking in right before the end of 2013 to get this latest monthly update in.  😉  I have a New Year themed post scheduled for tomorrow but I just *had* to get this post up before the month (and year) draw to a close.

With the holidays in full swing, writing this update was a challenge.  We have been busy traveling to see relatives and hosting some as well!  I write these monthly posts according to Olive’s birthday, so they run from the 12th of a month until the 11th the following month.  So, this post covers November 12-December 11th!  I just thought I’d clarify since my belated post is coming after Christmas, but won’t include it.

Highlights from month 21:

  • We had a luxurious stay at the Pelican Hill Resort while I worked on a spectacular wedding.  Olive loved running around in our suite and exploring the property with Daddy while I worked.  
  • Our good friends Ben & Drew of the Cana Family took our photos for our Christmas cards.  Olive was a little less than excited to pose for photos that day, but they still managed to capture some incredible images we will treasure forever.
  • We hosted two dinner parties at our home for church members.  We can’t wait to eventually have everyone over!  Olive was the life of the party, cheerfully mingling with our guests.
  • We got our Christmas tree and Olive fell in love with its twinkle lights and sparkling ornaments.  She learned quickly not to touch the tree and was great about her obedience all season long.
  • Olive got to see all of her grandparents at Thanksgiving and she loved every second.  She also had a blast playing with her cousins, Adrian and Alejandro.
  • We took Olive to ride the train in the mall for the first time.  She was unsure about it, then terrified, and then I had to get on board with her.  haha  She still isn’t sure what to think about it, but I blame it on the boring circular track.
  • Olive somehow caught hand-foot-mouth disease (ugh) but had a very, very mild case.  We are thankful that she never lost her energy and joyful spirit while she was sick.  Unfortunately she passed the virus on to Daddy and he had a much harder time with it (an entire week home from work, 90% of it sick in bed).
  • New language includes hilarious phrases like, “Where Dada go? Dada go wuhk (work)!”  She also tells me to be “care-foo” when I’m standing on a chair or hanging something up.  Random skill: she can distinguish a bunch of types of nuts because they are one of her favorite snacks.  She can point out pine nuts, almonds, cashews, and pecans.  😉
  • She can count confidently from 1-10 and sing her entire ABCs.  Olive still loves nursery rhymes and a new favorite this month was “Hickory Dickory Dock.”  She also loves the Mother Goose Club on YouTube — the “Dinosaur Stomp” and “Driving” are the ones she is constantly requesting.

Our darling Olive, We are so grateful for the year we have had with you!!  It is hard to imagine you as you were in January: a wobbly walking little babe.  Today you are such an active, animated and entertaining character!  People are amazed when we tell them you’re not yet 2 — you are such a precocious girl with your bubbly personality and language skills.  You still make me and Daddy laugh on a daily basis, sometimes on purpose and sometimes not.  😉  Although you are quite social and fiercely independent, I love that sometimes the only thing you want is mama’s arms.  I hope that never changes.  You are such a precious part of our family and we thank God for bringing you to us.  Love you so, my darling.  xoxo, Mama

Our 21st month photo mosaic:

Thanks for reading!  I hope you have an absolutely wonderful evening, whatever you do to celebrate.  I’ll see you in 2014!!

Happy Monday, everyone!  As you could have guessed from the lack of posts last week, things have been quite busy at Casa Swanson!  My sweet Olive got sick, then kindly passed it on to Daddy, so it has been nearly 2 weeks of playing nurse for me.  By God’s grace I escaped the plague (aka Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease — and yes, it’s as gross as it sounds!), so I am grateful I could take care of my loves!  Olive had an extremely mild case (thank you Lord) but it really took a toll on Erik.  I’m glad to see him recovering now.

In addition to caring for my “patients,” I have been working on our last wedding of 2013 (yay J&G!), preparing for a January wedding (yay T&J!) and meeting with some darling out-of-state clients who are planning their 2014 weddings (double yay!).

This darling pair will be married by the sea next summer!

And these cuties are planning a whimsical garden wedding on the central coast!

Olive also turned 21 months old somehow (!!!).  I can’t wait to share about all of these things and more in coming posts.

For now, I simply wanted to drop in and say hello and thank you for continuing to drop by here.  I’ve missed blogging and promise to share more soon.  Enjoy a sweet and cozy evening!

Happy Friday!!  I am checking in with a quick update on my Christmas stockings knitting project!  I originally posted about my grand plans HERE and I’m happy to report that I finished stocking #1 (Erik’s) on Thanksgiving Day.  I am really pleased with it, though it still needs blocking.  I think that will definitely help smooth out some of my inconsistencies and just give it a more finished look.  I hesitated on doing the striped lining in the cuff (no one will really see it except Erik!) but I am glad I did — it’s the perfect special touch!  You can’t see the lining in these pics, but I posted a silly vid on Instagram today if you want to check it out!

mantel in progress // the ‘rejoice’ banner is by joyful joyful

stocking in need of blocking 😉

I’m working away on stocking #2 (mine) and have a personal goal to finish it by next Friday.  That will give me two weeks to finish the third and final stocking for Olive.  I figure she’ll be understanding if I don’t finish in time.  😉

Are any of you working on last-minute Christmas projects, knitted or otherwise??

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!  We will be finishing up with our Christmas decorations around the house and decking out our beautiful 7+’ tall noble fir tree.  It smells incredible and Olive is already enamored with our un-adorned “Kissmas Tee!”  I can’t wait to see Olive’s eyes light up when she sees it in all its splendor!

Hello everyone!!  Today I am starting to catch up after nearly a full week of Thanksgiving vacation.  We had such a wonderful time visiting our family for the holiday but it feels great to be home, too.  Olive is napping away and I’m finishing some laundry and inbox upkeep, so I thought I’d stop here with a little recap of our Thanksgiving celebrations!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year.  I always look forward to gathering with my loved ones and reflecting on all of the blessings we enjoy together.  My blog is a highlights reel of my life, so a casual reader may think that everything is always picture perfect over here.  Trust me — I experience real life struggles and difficulties like everyone else.  I’ve learned that thankfulness comes from a heart with the right perspective.  Happiness may come and go based on circumstances and situations, but contentment comes from within, and is borne from an awareness of our identity in Christ.  I can honestly say that even when times are tough, I have so much for which I can be thankful.  I have my unchanging God, an eternal hope, an unshakeable peace.  I am constantly working on cultivating a heart of gratitude and I pray that I demonstrate a spirit of thanksgiving all year round!

On Thanksgiving day, we were given an abrupt and dramatic lesson in gratitude.  As we drove from one celebration (at my mom’s) to another (at Erik’s aunt’s home), we noticed an erratic driver in front of us.  I called 911 to report him since he was weaving in and out of the lanes, slumping over his wheel, etc.  As I was speaking to the operator, we witnessed him drive straight into a streetlight pole.  It was surreal and horrifying.  While the driver did survive, they found him to match the description of a fugitive.  A search of his car also uncovered various drug paraphernalia, suggesting he was likely under the influence on the road.  Erik and I thanked God that we were behind his car, not in front of it, and that he was stopped (albeit dramatically) before he could further harm himself or others.  But I had to wonder… who was this man, and why was he strung out and all alone on Thanksgiving Day?  It hurt my heart to consider.  I prayed for him as I thanked God for my precious family and the gift of life.

In spite of the traffic scare, Thanksgiving was still a lovely time.  We began the day with a mostly vegetarian organic & gluten-free brunch at my mom’s.  We feasted on seafood cioppino, decadent crab casserole, roasted vegetables, a refreshing arugula salad, and of course, my mom’s famous guacamole (still my all-time favorite).

there’s just something about your mom’s cooking…

grateful for our great God, and praying that Olive grows to know and love Him one day

grateful for my sweet mama

grateful for a healthy, goofy little girl

grateful for my sweethearts

Olive is grateful for Dumbo

grateful for self timers on cameras 🙂

In the evening, we enjoyed a more traditional turkey-centric dinner at Erik’s aunt’s home.  Olive had a ball playing with her two cousins and enjoying the play room.

I am truly thankful for all of the abundant blessings God has poured out on my life.  I am thankful everyday for my relationship with Christ, my sweet and hilarious husband, my beautiful miracle baby girl, our amazing extended family, the roof over my head, the good food we have to eat, the beautiful area we live in, the dear friends who pour into my life and heart, the inspiring clients and colleagues with whom I work, and of course YOU — the readers who cheer me on and lift me up from afar.  I am grateful for everyone who takes the time to stop here.  Thank you for your support!

I hope you’re all having a sweet afternoon; I’ll see you again soon!

Our little Olive is 20-months old now and all I can think of is how she is nearly 2.  TWO.  That’s a bonafide kid age!  I can hardly believe it.

We’re always cracking up together!

The last month has been full of fun and laughter — Olive seems to say (and sing) something new everyday!  Just when I think that it can’t get any better, it does.  Without further ado, here are her 20 month updates!

  • We kicked off the month (12th-12th) with another trip to LA so I could work a wedding.  I’m so grateful that my mom (her Halmunee) can watch her whenever I am in town!
  • This was the month of the park — I’m still doing my best to keep us out of the house on adventures 2x a week.  Olive never tires of climbing up the steps and sliding down, and then doing it over and over again.
  • Olive finally fits into her Converse high-tops (the first gift I received after announcing my pregnancy, from the sweetest Jaclyne of Heavenly Blooms).  We wore ours together on the same day last month and I couldn’t get over the cuteness!  I love having a little mini me!
  • We celebrated the fall season at a party with some friends.  Olive had a blast painting her “punkin” and running around with the other kiddos.
  • My pal Allyson Magda took some beautiful photos of Olive at a local barn and farmstand.  Although Olive wasn’t in the mood to have her photo taken, Ally got some great shots.  I’m so thankful for my generous and talented friends who share their gifts with us.
  • We had a fun date with Aunt Anna at the Americana in Glendale.  I love seeing the two of them together!
  • Olive dressed up as a lobster for Halloween.  She loved it and I wish we had a reason to dress her in it again.  😉
  • We got to stay at Grandma and Grandpa’s house for a few days and Olive had a blast!  Grandma even played hooky to spend some extra time with her!
  • Olive’s latest obsessions: “sho-shun” (aka lotion) — she is always asking for a pump of it to apply to her hands and face.  It kills me!! // punkins — if she sees one, she has to pick it up or hug it. // Dumbo – Erik let her watch the movie with him and she is positively hooked.  She carries around her stuffed Dumbo all day long and needs to bring him into her crib for naps & bedtime.
  • Her language continues to explode; I am blown away by the things she says, the songs she sings, etc.  I really need to type up all of her words and phrases!  Highlights: “Come on!” whenever she wants to go somewhere; “Pwetty” for clothes and shoes she wants to wear; “Guh girl” (good girl) describing herself; “Keen cup” (clean up); “pway” (she will fold her hands and squeeze her eyes as tight as she can whenever we pray together); “ousside” (when she wants to go outside to play); and “Go go go!” when she runs down the hallway in sheer excitement for her bath.
  • She can count from 1-7 on her own and she can sing the ABCs with a handful of mistakes (but can say them all if helped/coached).  The key for us has been repetition — we practice them everyday.
  • She’s our little songstress!  She is constantly singing and her favorite tunes are “Wound and Wound” (Wheels on the Bus), “E-I-O” (Old MacDonald), “Twinkle Twinkle,” “Happy” (If You’re Happy and You Know It) and “Sigh-der” (Itsy Bitsy Spider).  Sometimes she will ask me to sing the same song over and over and over…  I love seeing her do the motions for some of the songs.  We sort of take advantage of her while she’s singing “If You’re Happy and You Know It” because you can make her do anything.  If you’re happy and you know it… kiss mama, do a shimmy, shake your hands, spin around, etc.  hahaha  I love her tiny voice and joyful spirit.

My little Olive — I thank God everyday for you.  With Thanksgiving around the corner, I’ve been even more mindful of how blessed we are to have you in our family.  You make me laugh on even the most hectic days; your tiny voice ringing out from your crib in the morning is worth getting out of the coziest bed; the scent of your hair is still my favorite ever.  Your Daddy and I continue to marvel at how God is growing and maturing you — your development is a wonder to see.  I feel humbled to be your mama, to be the one to nurture and guide you throughout your young life.  I will also take this privilege very seriously.  I hope you look back one day and see how much we cherished you.  Even when it’s difficult, even when I’m exhausted, even when you’re having a tough day and just want to be held, even when I’m busy with work… you are a pure joy to me.  You are a delight.  You are a gift and a blessing and I hope you will always feel surrounded by great love.  Love you, little baby.  xoxo, mama

Twenty month mosaic…

I hope you’re all having the loveliest Tuesday afternoon!  I’m off to do some more prepping and packing for our Thanksgiving trip.  See you again soon!