Hello everyone!!  I can’t believe I can say that I am officially finished with the Love & Splendor 2011 wedding season!  It has been a phenomenal year and I am truly proud of, grateful for, and humbled by what we’ve been able to accomplish.  A million thanks to Anna, Michelle and Jessica (the newest L&S team member!) for the love and dedication they pour into every wedding we touch.

I also can’t believe that I am now 24 weeks pregnant!!  Doesn’t it seem like I *just* announced my pregnancy on this blog?!  I am very blessed to say that the Lord has continued to sustain me and this pregnancy, and our beautiful baby GIRL (!) is looking perfectly healthy.  Praise God!  I thought I’d give you all a little sneak peek on what I’ve been up to in the baby department… Truth be told, wedding season kept me from doing too much, but I am looking forward to spending most of the next few months ‘nesting’ and preparing for the arrival of our daughter.  🙂

  • I am still feeling wonderful and am thanking God for that every day.  I am eating normally, feeling energized and active, and am enjoying baby girl’s kicks, which get stronger by the day.  (Erik also felt her kick for the first time last Saturday!!  I have been feeling her since October 8th.)
  • Erik and I have just about settled on our daughter’s name.  I will share it when we’re 100% sure… 😉  I am already calling her by the name on a daily basis, and it just solidifies how I feel about it.
  • I have been writing (monthly) in a baby book!  Thanks to my dear friend Julie, I have had a Ruby*Love baby book since I announced my pregnancy.  It is a gorgeous and stylish folio to write in, and I looove using it to keep track of milestones and memories.  You can check out their selection in their Etsy shop — I’m a HUGE fan.
  • Erik has been taking a pic of me (almost*) every single night to chronicle my growing baby bump!  I purchased a stretchy maxi dress just for this purpose, and I wear it every night for some continuity.  I cannot wait to see the little slideshow he will put together when we are at the finish line!  It’s crazy to see how I am growing every.single.day.
  • My parents have generously purchased baby girl’s stroller (we got the UPPAbaby Vista) and crib (the Oeuf Sparrow Crib in white).  Is it crazy that I want to take the empty stroller out for a spin?  LOL  The crib will be set up later this week and I’m looking forward to seeing our empty nursery evolve into a warm, inviting and playful space for our daughter.
  • I am going to embark on making my own crib bedding!!  I’ve selected four gorgeous Joel Dewberry fabrics to use.  Wish me luck — I am by no means an expert/experienced seamstress!!  Here is a look at them:

And some belly pics… (Thank you to my sis and Jasmine Star for taking these; I always forget to snap them when I’m out and about but am thankful to have these precious photos!)

18 weeks – @ a rehearsal dinner in Malibu

19 weeks – @ a whimsical wedding in SLO


20 weeks – @ rehearsal supper in Santa Fe, NM

20+ weeks – on the plane coming home from New Mexico! 

It is mind-boggling that in 16 (or fewer!) short weeks, I could be holding my little baby girl.  I cannot wait to meet her… Until then, I continue to covet your prayers for the pregnancy and future delivery.  With how difficult it was for me to *get* pregnant, I feel pretty lucky that *being* pregnant has been pretty ‘easy’ on me thus far.  😉

xoxo, Angel

Comments (13)

  1. anna: November 15, 2011

    LOVE this post!
    can’t wait to see the baby’s room, and new ride 😉

    baby is SO lucky to have you and Erik for parents! can’t wait to meet her!!!

  2. Michael Cordich: November 15, 2011

    Hey Angel, I just heard the news, congrats to you and Erik on the coming of your little girl. I can’t wait to see your new bundle of joy when you post pictures.

  3. sara saedi: November 15, 2011

    such beautiful pictures! Love the bedding fabrics too. @anna, being an aunt is the best. Angel, I know the rest of your pregnancy will be as smooth and joyful as the last 24 weeks!

  4. sally: November 15, 2011

    LOVE this post! Congrats Angel! I hope the rest of your pregnancy is smooth!

  5. Jen Awrey: November 15, 2011

    Congrats, Angel! I am two weeks behind you with a little boy and am loving reading about your pregnancy here and on facebook! Love the bedding and your bump — you look great! xoxo

  6. kristin @ petal and thorn: November 15, 2011

    wow! i just got a rush of excitement. beautiful bedding fabric, btw.

  7. angie: November 15, 2011

    You are glowing! I love it. 🙂

  8. stacie malkus: November 16, 2011

    LOVED reading these baby updates! I can relate to so much of what you are feeling and experiencing and it’s all so wonderful. I love love love your baby room colors and fabrics and she will be one lucky girl to have such a beautiful room. Did I mention that you look absolutely gorgeous and glowing?!

  9. Lissa (Bellenza): November 17, 2011

    Just discovered your lovely blog. The fabrics for the crib bedding are just darling! Prayers for you & your little one. 🙂

  10. Vivian: November 19, 2011

    Hi Angel!

    You look positively radiant and glowing, and oh-so-happy in these beautiful pics! Congratulations again and again! I’m sure this baby girl will be adored and doted on by everyone she meets (and all your readers!)

  11. michelle: November 29, 2011

    you are absolutely glowing in each of these pictures. just as much as you do in person. i can’t wait for little girl to arrive. xoxoxo

  12. wynn: December 4, 2011

    Warmest congrats on your new love!!! You and your husband are going to be wonderful parents. Pregnancy suits you so beautifully. I’m loving your maternity style… If you don’t mind me asking, the top you have on in the second belly photo with the maxi skirt, who is it by? It’s such a darling top. Wishing you both the very best.

  13. admin: December 4, 2011

    Thank you for your sweet words!! That top is a “vintage” (10-15 years old) silk Nicole Miller blouse. :). I tend to find great things at thrift stores here and there… xo

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