Happy Monday, everyone!!  It feels SO good to be back on the blog.  It has been months since my last post, but it has been even longer since I blogged regularly.  Truly, I have missed it.  I’ve blogged in some form since college (2001-ish), back when I used Xanga (who remembers that??).  My content evolved over the years, but one thing remained: my love of writing.  I really enjoy having a place to share my memories and thoughts (like a virtual scrapbook of sorts, since I’m 7+ years behind on my physical scrapbook! ha!), as well as another venue to connect more deeply with all of you.

If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know I use this blog to chronicle my life as a whole.  You’ll find posts on family, lifestyle, food and weddings (work).  I enjoy sharing a little bit of everything, but please let me know if there’s anything in particular that you love seeing here!

me and my two year old!

Things may be random as I play a little catch-up here and get back into the groove.  Coming soon to the blog:

  • a recap of our Disneyworld vacation last month
  • family updates
  • a backlog of beautiful weddings
  • essential oil 101 (current obsession)

Thank you SO much for stopping by and checking in with me.  I hope you’ll come on back for more very, very soon.  To keep up with me, follow along on Instagram, Facebook, and subscribe to the blog here!

What are you up to this week?  I am prepping for Noah’s 2nd birthday party this weekend.  We actually were supposed to have it on Saturday but postponed it at the last minute.  Looking forward to (finally!) celebrating my baby boy!

Comments (2)

  1. Diana Elizabeth: February 6, 2017

    I’m glad you are back to blogging, I’ve missed you 🙂 xo!

  2. angel: February 6, 2017

    Love you and am so grateful for your support over the years!! xox

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