i looove getting my hair cut! it is such a silly luxury for me. some people are astonished when they hear i only get 3 or 4 haircuts a year, if that. most of the time they consist of a clean up of my layers and 1-2″ off of the length. i have always had long hair and frankly, it’s what i assumed look best on me. i lacked the guts and motivation to do anything different.

i am allll about low maintenance. most days you will catch me with it all down, in some state of semi-wetness from the day’s shower. i never blowdry and rarely heat style! i know, i know… BORING. last week i was thinking i was about due for a semi-annual cut, and started thinking about doing something crazy. for me, crazy is anything beyond a trim. so don’t get your hopes up!! i guess i had finally “had it” with my hair, and saw an open afternoon on my calendar. i made an appointment at my favorite salon and mustered up the courage to take the plunge. i was going to chop it off!!

so last wednesday, with much trepidation paired with excitement, i had SEVEN INCHES taken off of my hair. i honestly expected to hate it, go home and mope for a week, and then suck it up and “live with it” while it grew back. i just needed the change. imagine my sheer and utter delight when the haircut was complete and i LOVED it!! i loved it so much i returned on Friday to take off even more!! on Friday she made the cut a bit more a-line (1.5″ longer in the front than in the back) and added choppier layers. it’s so much fun having this shorter ‘do. i get excited when i dole out a smaller portion of shampoo, or put my hair up in a “baby ponytail”. I like when the shortest layers fall out of my ponytail and i feel like i have an actual HAIRSTYLE! πŸ˜‰ the best part is, it’s still super low-maintenance!

unfortunately, all my attempts at self-portraits were too pathetic for posting. they also had these weird stripes going through my face. luckilly a new point and shoot is on the Christmas list! for now, you’ll have to take my word that i actually went through with the hair cut.

where the magic happens… (photo courtesy of wax poetic salon)

the fabulous haircut took place at my salon of 2.5 years: wax poetic salon/spa/gallery in burbank. it is such a wonderful salon!! where else can you have your hair cut, listen to some great tunes, sip on a drink from their e*lix*r bar and even browse their gallery of artwork?? they also use bumble and bumble products exclusively, which smell yummalicious and make my hair feel ultra silky. to top it all off, they have a rad boutique that even features some tarina tarantino pieces!! if you just threw in an ice cream parlor and a shoe store, i think i’d move in. πŸ˜‰

for the first year, i went to one stylist exclusively. when she left, i was crushed! i decided to try out someone new @ the salon before giving up hope, and found that i love her just as much! if you want to see who i see, ask for nicole and tell her angel the wedding planner sent you! πŸ˜‰

Comments (8)

  1. WeezerMonkey: December 5, 2007

    Pics! Pics! Even if they have weird stripes in them!

  2. Maya: December 5, 2007

    Ahhh, that is so exciting! You’re so adorable– you could rock any cut! I can’t wait to see it– I bet you look gorgeous πŸ™‚

  3. echo: December 5, 2007

    i agree…how can you talk about a new hair cut with no pictures?! but even without pictures though, i know you look fab! we’ll wait patiently.

  4. kristin: December 5, 2007

    Next step- Katie Holmes bob. πŸ™‚

  5. kristin: December 5, 2007

    BTW, is haircuttery a word?

  6. Lizzaylay: December 7, 2007

    Hi chica, just wanted to let you know that I’m in on the stalkerage~ not so secretly anymore πŸ˜€ I recently chopped off all my hair too, and I’ve been going to the Paul Mitchell Beauty College for those. Where else can you get a $80 haircut for $10-12 (and not feel bad about tip, b/c they’re in class)?! Can’t wait ’til you post some portraits – stripe or no stripe I demand to see!!!

  7. jasmine*: December 7, 2007

    OMG!!! I wanna see…I know I’m speaking from a photographer’s point of view, but your blog readers MUST SEE A PICTURE!!! πŸ˜‰

  8. Jen: December 9, 2007

    I want to see the new ‘do! Pics!!! πŸ™‚

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