Thank you SO much for the incredible outpouring of love and support following my last post. I was overwhelmed, frankly, by the number of texts, emails, messages and comments I received from friends and strangers alike. A lot of the messages came from my current and past clients going back 8+ years and that really blew me away. I want to thank each of you for taking the time to reach out in love and support. It means so much to me and I truly appreciate it. I have made it over the hump, so to speak, and my heart and body are healing everyday. I continue to remain hopeful for the future.
Mother’s Day was a little bittersweet this year — celebrating my blessing on earth but mourning those in heaven — but I still had a wonderful day with my family. We went to church, had In-N-Out for lunch (just like every Sunday!), and put Olive down for a nap. Our plan was to leave right after her nap for Cambria — our “traditional” destination for Mother’s Day. As we began driving that afternoon, however, I realized that we would get there after all of my favorite antique shops had closed. So, we made a detour and simply enjoyed the beach, a park, and some takeout for dinner. We have plans to get to Cambria this week so I’ll share about those forthcoming adventures soon. 🙂
Love this pic of us. I’m wearing my new fav dress from LuLaRoe — so comfy and feminine; I’m obsessed!
Our simple little afternoon and evening together reminded me to be thankful for the little moments that we often take for granted. I loved having Erik with us at the park since he is usually working when I take Olive to play. He got to hear her say, “Whee!!” two dozen times as she rode down the slide. He helped her hang from the monkey bars and chased her around in the sand. We laughed with each other as we admired her quirks, her energy, her silly and playful nature. We had strangers take our picture so we could get a group shot. Unfortunately hey turned out horrible but I’m glad we have them. 🙂
Erik wrote me the most beautiful card and of course, it made me cry. I am so thankful for him in times of joy and sorrow; he is always a source of wisdom, strength and unconditional love. It is so crazy to think we met when I was 19 and look at us now, being adults and raising a daughter and what not. 😉 Love you, babe.
oh Olive!
And Olive. I gave her a pass this year but expect a card or something next year. 😉 She is amazing and I thank God everyday for her. After years of praying and crying and pleading for a child, she was the one who arrived in our arms. I She surprises me everyday with her thoughtfulness, her natural affection, her tender heart. If the Lord only gives us one child, I am grateful it is her. I cherish every moment with her knowing that this life is fleeting.
Olive — I am so blessed to be your mama. You are my favorite gift and the perfect addition to our family. You have changed my life in every way for the better; I can barely remember what it was like before you arrived. Every Mother’s Day I will be reminded of how my prayers were answered in you. And everyday that I am on this earth, I will be loving you with all my heart. xoxo, Mama
On a final note, I want to send lots of love to the two moms in my life…
- my mother-in-law, Delores, who raised an amazing son and is someone I could sit and chat with for hours (and I often do!). She’s a friend to everyone she meets and is so devoted to her family.
- my umma, Grace. She epitomizes sacrificial love and she would do anything for her children (and now grandchild). When she was a single mom raising two daughters, she slept on the floor and I slept on a bed. She worked three jobs to send me to the programs and events I wanted to attend and always found a way to be generous with us when we had so little. If I tell her I like something she’s wearing, it frequently goes home with me (haha I promise I don’t take advantage of this!). After Olive was born, we stayed with her for a week so I could rest and recover. When I stay with her now, she still makes me a gourmet breakfast and packs me a snack for the car. 🙂 Staying with her is better than staying at a 5-star hotel. She also sent me a big box of han yak today (Chinese/Korean herbs) to take post-miscarriage. If you know you know — it’s a big deal, even if it’s the nastiest stuff on the planet. We are opposites in many ways but one thing that is clear is that she loves her children passionately. I will always be indebted to my Umma and am so grateful for all that she has done, and continues to do, for me.
Hope you all are having a great start to your week!
love to you, mama grace and del! xo